Monday, June 14, 2010

Constant Contact = Easy Email Marketing

Emails for Small Business with Constant Contact

According to Constant Contact, email marketing is a must-have for building your business and I couldn't agree with them more! I was first introduced to Constant Contact in 2004, while completing a grad school assignment. The assignment was to create a Valentine's Day promotion for Bloomingdale's and Constant Contact was the tool we were given to use.

I remember laughing and thinking that I had to be doing the project wrong, because there was no way that it could be THIS EASY to create an email campaign - but I was wrong. It really was incredibly simple to edit, update and schedule email campaigns with Constant Contact. In no time I was creating my own design templates and tweaking their templates. For beginners, it is an incredibly intuitive, web based program that will have you up and running in no time.

Constant Contact offers over 400 email templates, helps you to grow your email list while building customer relationships and most importantly it affords you the ability to track your results. It's amazing to review what your clients/customers are interested in and to be able to follow up through a direct email or more traditional phone call.

I highly recommend Constant Contact, and promise that you (and your business) won't be sorry!